Compote of Oranges and Ginger


Weight 210 g

Ginger associated with oranges gives an extremely citrusy, sparkling (tending to spicy) and very fresh taste. Compote excellent to accompany soft cakes, chocolate sticks, puff pastries or creamy cheeses.

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  • from Organic production
  • with Ginger
  • with Cane Sugar


Oranges *, cane sugar *, ginger * 128 gr of fruit used per 100 gr of finished product, 43 gr of total sugars per 100 gr of finished product.
(*from organic production)


Store in a cool, dry place, away from light and heat sources.


Fontego dei Sapori - Prodotto biologico Fontego dei Sapori - Prodotto italiano

Additional information

Weight 1 kg



Inserted in the context of the Adige park, the Fontana Agricultural Company has been carrying out its agricultural production activity since the early 1900s.
With the intervention of Renzo Quarella, sensitive to environmental issues, the biological defense method has been introduced throughout the company since 1995, reaching ICEA certification in 1996.
The cultivated area extends within an ancient “brolo” and the management is all family.

Being organic farmers consists in operating with the utmost respect for living organisms present in nature and in managing the complex balance between plants, microorganisms and insects of the ecosystem.
Making organic production requires commitment, dedication, manpower, having faith in nature, and for this reason excluding chemical fertilizers, insecticides, herbicides. The result is surprisingly unique. The link between nature and product remains very strong.

How do we do it
First choice product is used, free from mold or other types of alterations.
processing without adding sugar is preferred. Where it is not possible, due to the characteristics of the fruit itself, organic cane sugar is used.

Unique, genuine processing, from which the authenticity of the flavor of fresh fruit and vegetables emerges.
We have specialized in different processing techniques to respect the characteristics of each fruit, each vegetable and each season. We have created that extra flavor to accompany your breakfasts, aperitifs, courses and desserts.

To serve your imagination.
A unique experience to try and fall in love with!

Fontana Bio - Confetture e Composte - Fontego dei Sapori


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