Apricot Jam with Turmeric


Weight 210 g

Apricot jam with Turmeric with a sweet appearance, but characterized by sour and sparkling notes. Ideal for breakfast, for the preparation of desserts and also for combinations with cheeses.

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  • from Organic production
  • with Turmeric


Store in a cool, dry place, away from light and heat sources.


Fontego dei Sapori - Prodotto biologico Fontego dei Sapori - Prodotto italiano

Additional information

Weight 0.210 kg



Dòs del Paòl – Limone sul Garda. Small plot at the foot of the mountain and the coppice, overlooking the Brescia side of Lake Garda.
In our Garden of Delights, Nature has always generously given us her products.
Out of gratitude and in order not to lose these precious fruits, we started to preserve them, trying to keep the colors, aromas and flavors of ripe fruit.
In 2008 it was certified organic land. The fruit is harvested as nature produces it, dried in the shade and worked with a lot of passion, following ancient recipes of the Garda tradition.
A unique experience to try and fall in love with!

Frutto del Garda - Confetture e Marmellate - Fontego dei Sapori


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