Organic Italian Red Rice


Weight 500 gr
Cooking Time 40 min.

Red rice often grows naturally in clay soil. It has a particular aroma and is characterised by its ruby red colour. It has a sweet taste, and once cooked, it could be stored in the fridge for same days. It is excellent sauteed with vegetables, spices and condiments.

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SKU: CB0009 Category: Tags: , , , Product ID: 5403



Organic Production.


Organic Italian Red Rice

Method of Preservation

Store in a cool, dry place, away from light and heat sources.


Fontego dei Sapori - Prodotto biologico Fontego dei Sapori - Prodotto italiano

Additional information

Weight 1 kg


Cascina Belvedere

In the Farmhouse Belvedere the family Peak is handed down of generation in generation the experience and the love for the earth, producing the good Italian rice and the best risottis for the whole family.

Farmhouse Belvedere follows all the passages of the production of the rice, from the field to the table. In this way we bring in every house taste and genuineness.

Our mission is to spread the culture of the rice and the risotto in the world, respecting the traditions and the environment, but setting continuous innovations that suit the demands of the modern consumer.

Cascina Belvedere -Fontego dei Sapori


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